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[日] 原聲音樂 - 最終幻想14 (Before Meteor-FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack) (2013)
原聲音樂 - 最終幻想14 Before Meteor-FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack
Ahead of the game‘s release on Playstation, Square Enix is releasing the soundtrack for Final Fantasy XIV. The soundtrack feature the score composed and arranged by Uematsu Nobuo, who is back as the series‘ composer for the first time since 2002‘s Final Fantasy XI. The Blu-ray disc version of Before Meteor features the game‘s epic score.
01 Prelude - Remembrance
02 Opening Theme
03 Navigator's Glory - The Theme of Limsa Lominsa
04 Freedom
05 On Windy Meadows
06 Nail of the Heavens
07 In the Shadow of the Colossus
08 Siren Song
09 Born of the Boughs - The Theme of Gridania
10 Whisper of the Land
11 Emerald Labyrinth
12 The Forest's Pulse
13 Bathed in Woodsin
14 March of the Moogles
15 The Twin Faces of Fate - The Theme of Ul'dah
16 Twilight over Thanalan
17 Widdershins
18 Quicksand
19 Desert Moon Defied
20 Unspoken
21 Pennons Aloft
22 Starlight and Sellswords
23 Tears for Mor Dhona
24 Phantoms on the Lake
25 Supply & Demand
26 Behind Closed Doors
27 Horizons Calling
28 No Quarter
29 Beneath Bloodied Banners
30 With these Hands
31 By Design
32 Nature's Bounty
33 When a Tree Falls
34 Decisions
35 Crowning Achievements
36 Where the Heart Is
37 Holy Consult
38 Aetherial Slumber
39 The Echo
40 Fever Dream
41 Darring Dalliances
42 Sacred Bonds
43 Piece of Mind
44 Inner Recess
45 From the Heart
46 Fourteen Steps
47 Fragments of Forever
48 Tranquility
49 Neverborn
50 Everbinding Oath
51 Heavensturn
52 Moonfire Faire
53 All Saint's Wake
54 Starlight Celebration
55 Conflagration
56 The Hero of Hatchingtide
57 Enraptured
58 Battle Drums
59 Bo-down
60 Fury
61 The Seventh Gate
62 Victory Fanfare (Short)
63 Without Shadow
64 Canticle
65 Wrath of the Eikons
66 Primal Judgment
67 Final Respite
68 The Dark's Embrace
69 The Dark's Kiss
70 Nemesis
71 Victory Fanfare (Full)
72 Maelstrom Command
73 Into the Adder's Den
74 The Hall of Flames
75 Honor and Duty
76 Eorzea de Chocobo
77 Ripples in the Sea
78 The Sands' Secrets
79 Dewdrops & Moonbeams
80 Dreams Aloft
81 Airborne
82 Birds of a Feather
83 Flee Together
84 Quick as Silver, Hard as Stone
85 Flightless Wings
86 Pitfire
87 The Promise of Plunder
88 Meteor
89 Seven Jesters
90 Good King Moggle Mog XII
91 The Rider's Boon
92 Breaking Boundaries
93 Relics
94 In the Arms of Althyk
95 Agent of Inquiry
96 The Tug of Fate
97 To the Fore
98 Imperial Will
99 Steel Reason
100 Imperium
101 Fallen Angel
102 Tempest
103 Rise of the White Raven
104 Answers |